

Hosanna : An expression of adoration, praise, or joy

A spontaneous shout proclaiming God’s goodness!

There have definitely been moments in my life where the praise, love, and soul consuming gratitude has come out of my mouth in a way that I spontaneously “shouted” to God.

The day I brought my last baby earth side.
The moment I brought her out of the water to my chest. Safe and whole.
The moment I knew we were complete as a family.
Thank you God. You are good.

The day we had a close call with my 2 yr old.
I held him to my chest and fell to my knees gasping for air to proclaim God’s goodness in sparing him. Thank you God. You are good.

The day I had a very close call almost getting hit head on driving on a two lane country road.
When the moment passed, the tears poured down, and my hands shook. I was completely humbled and awestruck, proclaiming God’s obvious and complete control over my life.
Thank you God, you are good.

The day I curled up in bed with my best friend dying of cancer. Not knowing she’d slip away just a few days later. Having those moments with her gives me comfort now that she is gone.

I hold on tight to that time we had together, that God seemed to set aside just for me. And every time I think about that time I cry, Thank you God. You are good.

On this week of Easter.

The week we celebrate Christ’s willingness to trod the wine press alone.

The week he was anointed with oil and lifted up to eternal life, King of Kings.

The week he fulfilled His father’s will and willingly submitted to die on the cross so WE could be lifted up after this life.

The week he held those he loved most in this world, blessed them, washed their feet, and tried to comfort them knowing what was to come.

The week he suffered torment, persecution, and excruciating pain only to freely forgive all who inflicted him.

The week the earth shook in grief when the prince of peace was brutally taken from her ground.

The week He triumphantly ROSE from the dead leaving the tomb empty and the victory won.

The week he completed his mission to pave the way of Eternal life and light for all.

I love Him.
My heart is full.

He is the way.
He the the truth.
He is the life and light of this world.
He is my Savior.
He is my friend.

Thank you God.
You are everlastingly good.


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